Shooting Genji is a noir thriller set around the time of the Great Crash and Depression. As a teen, the narrator plunges from a ladder, leaving him hollow-hearted and almost blinded by daylight. However his ability to see at night is completely transformed.
Tempted by the short-term profits to be made from his shockingly good night vision, he ends up driving at night for whiskey smugglers, shilling for Wall Street cons, and chauffeuring (and caddying) for a Hollywood scoundrel who happens to be making an erotic film of The Tale of Genji.
Only late does he discover he’s still the guy in the dark.
Tempted by the short-term profits to be made from his shockingly good night vision, he ends up driving at night for whiskey smugglers, shilling for Wall Street cons, and chauffeuring (and caddying) for a Hollywood scoundrel who happens to be making an erotic film of The Tale of Genji.
Only late does he discover he’s still the guy in the dark.